Strike alert

Our trade unions representing employees in public services and administration have resolved that the appropriate response to the current progress of negotiations regarding salary increases for 2024 and 2025 is to declare a strike alert within the individual unions.

strike alert

After several requests to Prime Minister Petr Fiala, two meetings were held in June with the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Marian Jurečka. At the first meeting, we demanded a 15% increase in salary rates from September 1, 2024. Subsequently, we sought a compromise and reduced our demand to 10%.

In July, the Minister of Finance, Zbyněk Stanjura, informed us that a decision on the salary increase must be made before the start of the government recess (i.e., by today), and that the Prime Minister would convene a meeting on this matter. This meeting has not taken place to date!

Therefore, the following trade unions are declaring an indefinite strike alert:

The strike alert is further supported by:

Press Release